Mayer Brown LLP
1221 6th Ave
New York

7th November 2023

20+ Speakers

150 Seats
Register to secure yours today
Mayer Brown LLP
1221 6th Ave
New York
7th November 2023
20+ Speakers
150 Seats
Register to secure yours today
Esoteric securitisations are characterised by the additional complexities and nuances of the underlying assets. This SCI Seminar seeks to decode the sector’s idiosyncrasies and provide practical approaches to analysing such transactions.
Cost per Delegate:
Applies until | Subscriber Discount | Subscriber Rate | Non-Subscriber | Non-Subscriber Discount |
30-September | 25% | $1,169 | $1,325 | 15% |
31-October | 20% | $1,247 | $1,403 | 10% |
7-November | 10% | $1,403 | $1,559 | 0% |
SCI News subscribers – to receive a discount code please contact ta@structuredcreditinvestor.com (Enter discount code on next page.)
For sponsorship and speaking opportunities please contact Ieva Nainaite: ievan@structuredcreditinvestor.com
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